
For an hour consultation and email support, pls click the payment button below


Why do you need Naturopathic and Functional Medicine?

Naturopathic & Functional Medicine is for those individuals with health issues, that have tried conventional allopathic medicine and failed to achieve results, or one that simply needs to  maintain and optimise their health through functional testing, nutrition & lifestyle changes.

A Naturopathic consultation with me will include an assessment of your overall health, going through your diet and health history by asking you to fill a questionnaire form, so together we can optimise the health goals you wish to achieve. I will be supporting you with a follow up consultation and will always be at hand via email with any health related questions you have.

You are a unique individual that needs a tailored plan just for you, delivered through a qualified Naturopath & Functional Medicine practitioner, that will look at your whole health picture rather than focusing simply on any condition you may present with. I dig deep to identify the root cause of your health issue, rather than mask the symptoms.

What areas can I support you with?

    Optimise gastrointestinal health, ‘all health begins in the gut’ Hippocrates
  • Any hormonal imbalance, such as fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, thyroid disorders, menopause issues and so on..
  • Optimise your immune system
  • Once you balance your hormones naturally, you will ultimately reach your healthy weight
  • Promote emotional and psychological wellbeing
  • Optimise healthy energy levels
  • What happens before your initial consultation?

    Once you secure an appointment, a form and food diary will be emailed to you to complete prior to your consultation, to help me identify your areas of weakness, and how I can support that.

For DNA test interpretations and action plan, pls click payment button below

I’m a registered Practitioner with LifeCode GX, I can direct you to a suitable DNA Nutrigenomics test, that I may see your need for. Its an actionable tool, to help support your genetic predispositions. I would offer you the test at the Practitioner’s discounted price (paid by you at Lifecode GX), however for my interpretation, pls click payment below


Follow up consultations

If you require a further zoom follow up consultation within 3 months of your initial consultation, please click payment below.


I may also discuss with you if you require any functional or nutritional health tests. I use the world renowned Genova diagnostics, They can send you a test kit that can be easily conducted in the comfort of your home.

Once the consultation is done, a tailored nutritional plan will be emailed to you within 48 hours of your appointment, for you to utilise straight away. This will include action points that you have previously agreed with me on dietary and lifestyle changes, including information sheets and recipes to help you achieve it. You will also receive a personalized supplement programme and information re health tests (if required).

The number of consultations needed varies from person to person but, commonly, I support you with a free follow-up appointment within 3-4 weeks of the initial consultation, if you have achieved your goal by then, you won’t need me any further, if you haven’t then another consultation maybe needed

Follow-up consultations are usually 30 to 45 minutes.

I’d love to hear from you, appointments can be made to speak to me via Zoom, or for complexed cases, you can see me in person by emailing me at or by clicking the message button on my Facebook page, 


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